Messier 40
Very high resolution Lunar photography with a 20" telescope
Dry Run for April 8th
M76 - The Little Dumbbell Nebula
PSA: There was a total solar eclipse over North America yesterday
Leo's Triplet
Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks
Share your astrophotography progress to me! I'm super interested, and as a noob, I want to know what my limits might be.
My current learning experience as a noob in astrophotography, with very shitty/ minimal equipment (includes pictures too!)
Preventing lens condensation on a small compact camera - workaround for heating mantles? + Looking for super cheap tracker (DIY?)
Missing frames in startrail - How can I fill the gaps?
Lunar Halo
The Bubble Nebula in SHO
DWB 111 - The Propeller Nebula
Orion Nebula (M42)
Question - Tips for Polar aligment
Triangulum (M33) Untracked
Full moon - January 24
M83 - The Southern Pinwheel Galaxy (reprocessed)