🔥Eklutna Lake, Alaska in spring.
🔥 mosquito buzzing around my back yard, got some cool macro pics. That’s a heck of a poker
🔥The courtship display of the Flame Bowerbird
🔥 5,000 fire ants created a raft with their bodies to save the colony and queen from drowning in a swimming pool
🔥 A Black Bear Encounter I Had Kayaking!
🔥The wolf (Canis lupus)
🔥 The aerial roots on this Strangler Fig reaching for the ground
🔥 The stunning colours of a Mandarin Fish (AKA Synchiropus Splendidus) that I filmed off the island of Banda Neira, Indonesia
🔥 Close-up on Ant face (Camponotus) Carpenter ant
🔥 A Black-capped Chickadee flew on to my hand for a snack today.
🔥 Coyote staring me down / Yellowstone N.P
🔥 This frozen waterfall in Illinois 🔥
🔥Colus pusillus, a species of stinkhorn fungus. This particular species is most common in Australia, but stinkhorns as a group are found almost worldwide.
🔥 Stellar's Sea Eagle is one of the world's largest eagles, averaging 11 - 20 lbs.
🔥Meet The SMALLEST BIRD In The World: Cuba's Bee Hummingbird
🔥 Cthulhu clouds over Southern NJ
🔥A photo series of nectar-feeding pollinators.
🔥 Tropical screech owl staring right into your soul [OC] 🔥
🔥The black-naped monarch (Hypothymis azurea)