Battle of the Helmsmen will now commence. 8 pilots enter. 1 pilot leaves.
Battle of the Helmsmen will now commence. 8 pilots enter. 1 pilot leaves.
Highest upvoted helmsman in this thread will be declared best helmsman in the fleet.
Battle of the Helmsmen will now commence. 8 pilots enter. 1 pilot leaves.
Highest upvoted helmsman in this thread will be declared best helmsman in the fleet.
I don’t care who wins as long as Wesley Crusher loses.
Just load him into the pattern buffer and pull the plug.
I've been waiting since TNG aired to upvote your comment.
I was about to say the same thing lol
I love the choice of picture here. Wil appears to be wearing his "I know everyone hates Wesley" face.
There's a kind of magic here that this is a game, and Wil's entry is going to lose badly. (We love you Wil.)