The Elder Scrolls Online now “officially” playable on the Steam Deck
The Elder Scrolls Online now “officially” playable on the Steam Deck

The Elder Scrolls® Online - The Elder Scrolls Online is Now Playable on Steam Deck! - Steam News

The Elder Scrolls Online now “officially” playable on the Steam Deck
The Elder Scrolls® Online - The Elder Scrolls Online is Now Playable on Steam Deck! - Steam News
Doesn't that game require a massive amount of storage with all the expansions/add-ons installed? Doesn't seem very Deck friendly, IMO. Especially for base model Decks. It's one of the main reasons I don't bother playing BG3 on it, either.
Edit: I just looked and can't get a concise answer, seems like tons of players' install size differs by notable margins. Official site says it needs roughly ~95GB plus another ~30GB during the install process (guessing for temp install files during decompression/compression). Meanwhile, some players report folder sizes ranging from ~97GB all the way up to ~150GB. Regardless, seems ~95GB is the bare minimum which is still a lot for even the 500GB Deck models. And there's no way the game would run comfortably off an SD card.
This is my install size of ESO:
It's definitely massive - I'd guess at the 90GB+ number, but I don't think it reached 150GB. I had it installed awhile back on an SD card and I didn't experience many problems in the game. Just takes a little longer to load new places, but the gaming experience was still smooth.
Yeah, from the comments I read, it looked like some people might have needed to clear their folders out and/or others had installed the PTS files as well. Regardless, ~95GB is still quite large. I'm surprised your loading speeds weren't that bad on the SD card. How fast were your load times, if you don't mind me asking?
I'm not sure to be honest, it's been awhile. Definitely slower than on my PC, but it was never long enough that I got frustrated. I was usually entering dungeons around the same time as other players. Not like it took long enough to load they already started running ahead without the healer.