Seems to be mixing up places more often now
Seems to be mixing up places more often now
Seems to be mixing up places more often now
what does texting Trump to 88022 do? Is that like one of those 90s sex lines?
Realistically, it most likely signs you up for a deluge of spam texts about donations and the like to trump
I get that shit already, and I've never texted any of these 5 digit numbers lol. They seem to come in waves (like I'll go months without getting any, then get them nearly daily for a few weeks, then quiet again), I've blocked so many numbers...
I already get those without having dialed anything
they are so obnoxious, my grandfather's phone is filled to the brim with them, I have never seen a campaign send as many fucking spam texts as his campaign does it is ridiculous, my grandfather is hard blue and they are just relentless with the "Trump demands your support now!" and "DONATE TO THE CAUSE, DON'T LET THE LEFTIST HARRIS RUIN DEMOCRACY" it's so fucking annoying, you can't even opt out as they just blatantly ignore it. He gets more red based texts then blue lmao
Todd who previously had my phone number signed up for a lot of texts, and got his (now my) number into a ton of databases. I've been able to watch his cross country move and general financial improvement through these spam texts. At first it was a house in Phoenix Arizona, and some sketchy stuff related to his arrest, but looks like he moved back to the same state I live in and has a cheaper place that isn't seeing as insane of price inflation. I've also seen fewer debt related texts for him and lately I've been getting some with his new lady friend's name on them. Good for Todd. Hopefully he eventually learns to stop giving out my number
Since they have to pay for all those texts, would signing up for that line and then blocking it cause them to lose money?
Your number will almost certainly be given to a variety of republican campaigns and see spam from many different numbers. Good luck blocking all of them
It would be satisfying to see them waste money on me. More satisfying than all the Democrats who beg me for money, anyway
So dont use your real phone number. Ez pz
Spoof it from 88022
Might directly charge your carrier for $5 to his campaign
How does he propose to "MAKE HOUSING AFFORDABLE AGAIN"? By interfering with the free market lol?
Don't worry, he has a concept of a plan.
Congratulations on regurgitating the Political Meme of the Day!
lol, parrots mad
I mean theoretically if they deport all non-citizens that would free up a lot of housing, as well as a lot of jobs and generally send the country into an economic death spiral thanks to the sudden and continued population decline
Deporting all the non-citizens would send us into a literal death spiral thanks to the fact that they pick all the vegetables, cut all the meat, and cook all the food in restaurants. For bonus points we would starve to death behind our unkept lawns, but at least we'd have plenty to drink from the water pouring through our leaking roofs.
Lots of non-citizens work in all of the factories that produce everything Americans consume too, including of course food production facilitiesm so house right it would probably be a literal death spiral
Would you like to buy Chinese dropshipped garbage, but in the most brilliant golden tones and for quadruple the price you'd see it on aliexpress? Then Text that number