Know your genocide apologists
Know your genocide apologists
Know your genocide apologists
This is a biased piece of pseudo intellectual misinformation. Communists don't defend Russia and "lefty" (couldn't you be more obvious in your bias if you tried) antifascists do not assume whole nations are fascist at all - clearly they attack fascists in their own countries without attacking everyone.
This is just dumb centrist shit masquerading as discourse.
This post isn't about categories of leftists or communists, it's about categories of genocide apologists. Most communists do not defend Russia (I hope) but among those who defend Russia, some claim to be communist.
I mean can you even call yourself a communism if you dont defend genocide? Cant have communist utopia without it.
Not all communists, geez
But some are definitely doing this. If you haven't encountered them, consider yourself lucky
If you haven’t encountered them
Good god, the tankies are insufferable edgy memelords on the fediverse
Do you really need someone to remind you of how Set theory works?
Just see my last comment in the sea of tankies. All these stereotypes are real and people like that live and breathe.
How did it say that all communists are like this? You're just assuming things and getting mad over it.
Do you know what sub this is?