Call of Duty transitioning into GAAS
Call of Duty transitioning into GAAS

[Rumor] Call of Duty transitioning into GAAS

Call of Duty transitioning into GAAS
[Rumor] Call of Duty transitioning into GAAS
I finally got into CoD again after a decade and they screw it up already. Sorry guys, it’s my fault.
I won’t play cod as a service. I already get pissed off when the game bothers me about battle pass bs or shows me some stupid video that I don’t care about explaining the “season” I don’t want seasons, if you want to sell me more content I’ll buy map packs.
Also the insta gib guns and silly jumpsuit skins are annoying and kill any sense of immersion in the multiplayer.
Isn't it already somewhat of a GAAS if people buy the new one every year for $60-70? At this point the move to full service doesn't seem to be that much of a stretch. I might be off base here as I haven't bought a COD game since the Xbox 360 days and only played warzone a few times with my friend's kids. Curious to hear other thoughts on this
Yea I see it the same, it's been GAAS for years now. Black ops 4 which came out 5 years ago this year started with the seasons and all. There's so much MTX, it's laughable. And this in a full price title, that plays like a freemium game. Aka it is barely fun but people keep playing simply because they're hooked on the dopamine they get from it.
It should've gone f2p years ago, but obviously the question is why, when you can get another $60/80€ per player anyways and expect the game to be any different.
I've played quite a lot of cod back in the days, but ultimately since mw19 the series has gone to total shit. It's been the same game every year, there's barely any skill involved anymore and they so****mehow manage to put in more RNG each and every year.
CoD never really needed any skill to begin with, but nowadays it's basically a slot machine, disguised as a shooter.
Rumours about GAAS come and go every year tho. I guess they will only change when people stop buying this crap, aka never.
I skipped PS4 so this was the first CoD I’ve bought since the original black ops. So it’s probably been this way for years. But I went a while from like January to May with out playing the game and couldn’t find the game in my library because they renamed the game from MW2 to “Call of Duty” and changed the icon so I feel like it must be worse.
I wouldn't call it GAAS, assuming by GAAS we are talking about a Live Server games, like Fortnite, so that there will be one Call of Duty, with regular updates.
Currently COD has yearly model, like FIFA, and as a VERY casual FIFA player, I think FIFA (well, now FC), would do better with Live Service model. Instead of buying same game every year, which is incompatible with last year version, just sell me one version, and give updated roster and player.
BTW isn't Warzone already a live service game? Or am I talking about something entirely different?