Only about 720,000 Qualcomm Snapdragon X laptops sold since launch — under 0.8% of the total number of PCs shipped in Q3, or less than 1 out of every 125 devices
Only about 720,000 Qualcomm Snapdragon X laptops sold since launch — under 0.8% of the total number of PCs shipped in Q3, or less than 1 out of every 125 devices
AI-capable PCs grow 49%, and take 20% of shipments, but Snapdragon X PCs struggle
Relevant quote regarding Snapdragon X
“As this was the first full quarter of shipments for Snapdragon X Series PCs, we saw sequential growth of around 180% compared to Q2 2024. However, as a proportion of the total Windows market, the products remain very niche, at less than 1.5% share. The top shipping vendor was Microsoft, which has transitioned most of their Surface line to the platform. Behind them was Dell who has embraced the new platform quite strongly in terms of SKU count, followed by HP, Lenovo, Acer and Asus (all four with similar volumes).”