Pastor Greg Locke Demolishes Barbie House With Baseball Bat Because Reasons
Pastor Greg Locke Demolishes Barbie House With Baseball Bat Because Reasons

Pastor Demolishes Barbie House With Baseball Bat for Some Ungodly Reason

Pastor Greg Locke Demolishes Barbie House With Baseball Bat Because Reasons
Pastor Demolishes Barbie House With Baseball Bat for Some Ungodly Reason
Faith so weak it can be jeopardised by a doll.
I'm convinced this is one of the reasons I love the color pink. I remember as a kid, my grandpa and occasionally my dad getting so insecure about the prospect of wearing/one of their boys wearing pink. Even at that age, I thought it was absurd that a man would be scared of a color. Ironically, that makes pink the most badass, punk-rock color, in my head.
This is absolutely a brilliant post. You nailed it.
Yinz must not be old enough (or are so old you're senile) to remember back when Pokémon first came out, the fuckstick that cut apart a pikachu plush with the church's sword. (Not sure why a church needs a sword, but yeah...)
In their defense, a doll is an awful lot like an idol.