The Nvidia Shield TV still holds up four years later, but it’s due for a refresh
The Nvidia Shield TV still holds up four years later, but it’s due for a refresh

The Nvidia Shield TV still holds up four years later, but it’s due for a refresh

The Nvidia Shield TV still holds up four years later, but it’s due for a refresh
The Nvidia Shield TV still holds up four years later, but it’s due for a refresh
I've been thinking of getting one but I'm fine with waiting for a newer version.
No need to wait. The current ones are phenomenal. It'll be at least five years before any of the apps that you'd use will start having issues in any way.
I bought mine years ago and was told I'd regret it when the refresh came.
After four years with no new versions, there probably won't ever be one.
Even the original 2015 Shield is still one of the top 5 Android TV devices ever made, with the 2017 and 2019 models also taking spots.
I did add the newer remote to my 2015 model as that's a big improvement (other than the annoyingly easy to accidentally press Netflix button, but I remapped that to Show Recent Apps instead).
Which app are you using to remap remote buttons?
It's still one of the best streaming devices on the market. Yes they need to update it but it's fine to buy one now.
yeah same
You'll have to wait a little while
I really love mine a lot. I bought the shield 2 or what it's called and it was the same with a better remote. But after using it for a few month, i couldn't get it to connect to the internet anymore. Not wireless and not via ethernet cable. No idea why. I'm using the oldest shield and in my humble opinion it's quite flawless.