JBP has got u bro
JBP has got u bro
Need a plate of generic, insipid platitudes with a giant helping of bad science and misogyny?
JBP has got u bro
Need a plate of generic, insipid platitudes with a giant helping of bad science and misogyny?
Oh god, this is so embarassing for us as a society.
Young men look for guidance, and all they find is Rape Tate who tells you to be an alpha male by just being obnoxiously "superior" to others.
John Peanutbutter who tells you to be an alpha male but with science in your brain
fresh and fit who tell you to be alpha males but by figuratively just shaming women
and on the opposite side you have nothing for a while and then you have destiny and hasan who try to make you debate like highschoolers.
Is the world just full of grifters now?
Short answer: yes.
Long answer: yyyyeeeeeeessssssss
There are great people, the top Spot for me is healthy gamer gg.
F D is peak as well.
There are a lot of people, but non of them have the quick and simple solution that attracted lost boys and men.
The grift of giving some free advice that may or may not work, to get them hooked so you can sell bad advice that when it doesn't work they say it didn't because they didn't believe enough or try enough and there is yet another book for them to buy which then locks these people into a spiral of buying only their advice....
Is such a long running and stupid grift for people to still be falling for this strongly.
We are right back around to people selling blank books for you the reader to fill out with the great plan that's gonna work. But people feel directionless and scared of the future so idiots will seek comfort anywhere they can.
I’m usually up to date on the field of grifters. (understanding dipshits is a specialty of mine) but I’m not sure who john peanutbutter is supposed to be. Can anyone translate?
I understand it to be Jordan b Peterson
Ok, that makes sense. Like that one guy, blunderfunk cumberbunk.
Engelbert Humperdink?
They need to look to Jesus as their rolemodel instead