We're lucky that our bodies require sleep, otherwise our cultures would have us working 16-20 hour days.
We're lucky that our bodies require sleep, otherwise our cultures would have us working 16-20 hour days.
We're lucky that our bodies require sleep, otherwise our cultures would have us working 16-20 hour days.
I did 24hr shifts a minimum of two days per week. Most times I did three days per week with 24hrs of OT. I did that from 2000-2017.
Now I do simple 4 x 10hr days.
Why would you ever do that? And allow it to happen for 17 years???
Good question. I did enjoy my work 90% of the time. I gave up emergency work when I turned 50. Now I do "uber" ambulance.
Wtf is uber ambulance?
And thanks for your service.
Ha! "Uber" ambulance is non-emergency transport. We take patients that are at rehabilitation facilities and bring them to medical appointments.
How is that possible?
Paramedic. Possible by trying to sleep between emergency calls.
What job and country? I need to stay far far away from that
Paramedic, U S. Most EMS and fire departments run 24hr shifts. It's a choice.
They are. It's a choice.
Were you the one driving? This sounds so dangerous! My heart goes out to you
We would take turns. We had an office where we could sleep until the emergency call comes in. Not quality sleep, but, kept you functional. Was only rare occasion you might be busy for a full 24hrs.
Must be bliss working (still slightly long) 10 hour days now
Hours and very easy job is much better.