This sign says it all.
This sign says it all.
This sign says it all.
Love the false equivalence. Your city taxes can't fix the potholes because your federal taxes pay for a military.
Those federal taxes cannot be allocated to state funds which cannot then be allocated to city funds to maintain roads?
No because they must be spent to kill Palestinian children. Get your Merican priorities straight.
You're not wrong, but original point could still be right, depending in the road. There are many federal highways and interstates, where this equivalence makes sense. However most other roads are state, county or city owned.
Federal tax funds the maintenance of the Interstate Highways.
Where do you see an interstate highway in the pic?
Mobile billboards go where people are. I saw a Pro-Life billboard on a similar truck, where it was parked was not linked to the content on the sign.
and the interstate highways aren't that bad in terms of shape tho?