This sign says it all.
This sign says it all.
This sign says it all.
All children in Gaza are terriosts! Or potential terriosts! Isreal NEEDS to bomb ambulances, hospitals and water wells because that is where all the terriosts are! ya see?Any amount of infrastructure supports terriosism! Bombing is a nessecity!
It's outright ghoulish.
"Anyone who runs is Viet Cong. Anyone who stands still is well disciplined Viet Cong."
How can you shoot women and children?!?!
Easy, you just don't lead them as much
Well, it‘s actually true that Hamas uses civil infrastructure and civilians as shields, you can’t deny that. Of course that doesn‘t mean that Israel can just bomb everything.
Somebody should tell Israel
in an area where the population density is 5,300 people/km2 "human shields" is a quite weak argument. It is practically impossible to seperate civillian and military infrastructure in such densely populated areas.
For comparision the Netherlands has about 500 people/km2 and it is one of the most densely populated countries in Europe.
There is a difference between the close proximity of military and civilian infrastructure because of a high population density and actively choosing hospitals as military bases.
Another great way of not getting your civilians targeted is to wear identifying uniforms.
It's almost like Hamas doesn't want to prevent civilian casualties.
Well that totally justifies killing everyone in sight
No, but it does justify telling all civilians to evacuate weeks before launching an actual full scale attack, increasing their odds of survival from 0% to 90%. War is ugly.
War is ugly.
Supporting white supreamcist settler-colonialism is ugly, too.
Most Israelis are non-Ashkenazi, so not "white".
And considering there has been a continuous Jewish presence in Israel for thousands of years, your (lack of) logic is flawed.
Did you find some big words you're trying to find a way to practice?
Most Israelis are non-Ashkenazi, so not “white”.
Say it louder. Bellow it from the rooftops so that every Jewish person in occupied Palestine can hear you - they aren't "white" enough for you... just like your European ancestors insisted when they massacred Jewish people and drove them from their homes due to their rabid antisemitism. Show them why you really enable them, right-winger.
Jewish presence in Israel
Yeah... that's why there are Jewish Palestinians, Christian Palestinians and, of course, Muslim Palestinians. They have been there for centuries - long before Christian antisemites invented the ideology of Zionism.
You are right. Hamas is not acting responsible leave alone lawful in where they put military installations. But that is used by Israel to just bomb anything they feel like bombing, and for that it is a weak arguement. Especially since we have nothing but Israels pinky promise that there were military targets in whatever they bombed.
Given how Israel extensively attacked civillian and ambulance convoys fleeing on the routes designated by Israel to flee to the south, as demanded by Israel, i cannot help the feeling that they are just shooting at random to instill more fear and destruction.
For that again i find it weird, how Israel was entirely unprepared for the terror attacks of Hamas on the 7. October but immediately claimed to know exactly where Hamas is having what installations in Gaza. I remember how the Russian preparations for the Ukraine invasion have been discussed for months and the question remaining was, whether Putin is that insane or not. Now with Hamas that question was moot, so how the fuck did Israel both know exactly where all of Hamas is, but didnt notice any preparations for the attacks?
I cannot shake the feeling that Israel has much less knowledge about Hamas positions than they claim.
Or, that they do know what's going on, but let the attack happen because Israeli civilians are nearly as expendable as Palestinian civilians, at least to the people who profit from the war machine...
Israel does appear to value its civilians a lot more than Hamas. There have been prisoner swaps where Hamas will hold out swapping one Israeli until Israel agrees to literally hundreds of Palestinians.
What a bargain!
it‘s actually true that Hamas uses civil infrastructure and civilians as shields
Riiight... there's a Hamas "terrorist" hiding behind every Palestinian child... and if you can't see them, it just proves how sneaky they are, amirite?
Who said this?
its a straw man, but only just, people more or less say this through implications when you hear "What else do you expect Israel to do"
The dude in my garden who scares away birds does.
Israel's actions did
a straw man
Whichever Hasbara the wheel lands on usually. Some are better than others though.
Said no one. Ever. Except you.