That's what backups are for.
Checking the backups... Ah yes, the backup done in August 2017.
Hello boss, I broke the company. I'll see myself out
If you don't have apt backups, that is a failure of the process, not yours.
Plot twist, they were also the one responsible for developing the backup process.
You should take it upon yourself to make regular backups in case you fuck up really bad. I had an intern that deleted everything on its fifth day, luckily l was automatically making backups two times a day, so it was fine.
Why would an intern be allowed anywhere near prod DB? Do you not have lower environments?
Company was a shitshow, new features or changes were expected immediately, so we got used to work directly on prod. I told him to test anything on a dummy DB and show me before we submit it, but he got around it when I wasn't looking. The security tools were garbage, I wasn't allowed to change permissions.
Sounds fun! As long as you have no stake in the company lol
I left to pursue my studies, the intern took my place and was put in charge of everything, I don't know how he's doing now and I don't really care.
Yep I do that on a local project basis before I make any updates. Saved me a couple times from my own mistakes 😅