Lemmy.world is down because of a DDOS attack
Lemmy.world is down because of a DDOS attack
Welcome to Lemmy World's home for real-time and historical data on system performance.
Lemmy.world is down because of a DDOS attack
Welcome to Lemmy World's home for real-time and historical data on system performance.
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Strangely, this is what makes the Federated system so much better than centralized systems. Lemmy.world goes down? No problem I can switch to one of my other accounts in an instant and keep going.
My thoughts exactly, and also it makes it a pretty useless thing to DDoS for what ever reason.
Lol I got home from work and opened Lemmy.world. page loaded fine but I couldn't upvote and the comments wouldn't load. Tried again after restarting firefox and same thing. Switched to Lemdro.id and continued like it wasn't happening.
This is what we in the induatry call "Commitment to to shit postin'"
Thank you for your service!