Gastronomical Masterpiece
Gastronomical Masterpiece
Gastronomical Masterpiece
Butter, parmesan, salt and pepper
Cheese with rice? Damn
Remove butter, put EVO, remove parmisan, put Parmigiano Reggiano, you have a masterpiece
I tried searching for EVO but just came up with a pan/bowl type. Could you tell an uninformed fool (me) what is EVO?
Extra virgin olive oil. I'm Italian :D
I get 5L per year from my uncle who produce it in Tuscany
Oh man, I should have known that. Thanks for the assist!
Agree, I dont have reliable access to EVOO or good parmigiana. If I had my way all the time it would be thyme and lavender and oregano infused olive oil with cucumbers as well as a three way mixed Parmigiana, Asiago, Oaxaca or dried mozarella.