In 2024, please switch to Firefox
In 2024, please switch to Firefox
In 2024, please switch to Firefox
There is a discussion on Hacker News, but feel free to comment here as well.
In 2024, please switch to Firefox
In 2024, please switch to Firefox
There is a discussion on Hacker News, but feel free to comment here as well.
Any Alternative to Brave? I have FF as primary browser but for some websites which tends to break on FF, I would like to use something non-Chrome/Brave on Windows.
Librewolf sounds like Brave, but built on top of Firefox. It also doesn't spam you with stupid ads like Brave does.
But my alt should be Chromium based for the weird cases.
Librewolf is better I think. It's pretty much a privacy hardened Firefox with the telemetry taken out. No odd crypto scheme like Brave either.
No odd crypto scheme like Brave either.
That's a great point
FF is primary but started using Vivaldi as my chromium based browser.. I'm definitely not nerd level privacy geek but it hits all my check boxes for configuration, customization, and ease of use.
I keep chromium as a secondary if something breaks on Firefox. It’s the foundation of chrome without all the silly Google shit.
I think you want ungoogled-chromium
Thanks, this is what I’m looking for.
I use edge for the edge case when websites don't work after changing the user agent
I have found edge to be more bloaty than brave
If the site breaks on Firefox, probably it only works in chrome based, so I’d say just use ungoogled-chromium.
As far as non-Chrome goes, there's only two other modern browser engines. Webkit which is Apple stuff, and Gecko which is Firefox. So I don't believe so, no.
What websites break on FF?
Which sites? I haven't had that in years.
(And you can report them to Mozilla and they will fix it by either fixing a bug or creating a workaround for that site)
Top of my Head: Ms Teams.
Also, on side note, FF on Desktop doesn't support PWAs while on Mobile they do.