Fear of "backlash" is no reason to let Donald Trump make an illegal run for president
Fear of "backlash" is no reason to let Donald Trump make an illegal run for president

Don't negotiate with MAGA terrorism

Fear of "backlash" is no reason to let Donald Trump make an illegal run for president
Don't negotiate with MAGA terrorism
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Do any of you that let this man live rent free in your head realize he hasn't been CONVICTED of anything that would invalidate his candidacy? Indicted =/= guilty.
It's always hilarious when someone pulls the "you let this guy live rent free in your head" card about the greatest current threat to American democracy. Yes, we should just pretend he doesn't exist. It's almost always followed by one or more arguments that show they lack even a surface level understanding of the details of the situation. This post manages to live up to that 'standard'.
This is what happens when you have an uneducated populace. A lack of critical thinking skills leads to the adoption of nonsensical viewpoints based on emotion instead of reason. When those viewpoints are challenged, they're similarly met with typically meaningless, emotion-driven responses (a la "he lives in your mind rent free") as the adopters lack the capacity to respond with reason.
Does that mating call work? Most magats I know just rape the livestock. Interesting, you try seduction instead.
I do think it's pretty funny he again proved my point for me.
I mean, posting easily disproven drivel made it pretty clear you're a sheep, but I appreciate the demonstration.
so disprove it.
Anyone with eyeballs and ears understands what this man is, what this man did, and what he evokes from his followers. Why do I need a court to confirm it for me to want him nowhere near the levers of power ever again? He'll stop living in my head when he stops trying to take control of the country.
You folks are always so predictable.
"you folks"?
Obvious troll is obvious.
you're the one that's so keen to lump everyone into groups. just checking which one "you people folks" is to you.
The amendment says nothing about criminal conviction
Indeed. It was specifically written to be self-executing because it would have been impossible to charge, try and convict all of the tens of thousands of former Confederate officers it was meant to bar from federal office. Because it's self-executing, a simple finding of fact is sufficient for it to apply. The question then isn't whether it requires a conviction, but rather whether it applies to Trump.
To me it pretty obviously does apply to him, but I'm definitely biased as fuck.
They would just move the goalposts after any conviction anyway.
The 14th is self-executing which means that you don't have to be convicted in order to be disqualified. The reason it's self-executing is that it was originally designed to prohibit former Confederate officers from holding federal office, and since there was no way that every one of the tens of thousands of former Confederate officers could be tried and convicted, it was written to be self-executing meaning that a simple finding of fact rather than a conviction was sufficient to bar one from running for federal office.
Now, you may not like that and if you're a constitutional scholar you may even have some decent arguments as to why it doesn't apply to Trump, but leaving that aside, you are absolutely full of shit when you imply that he needs to be convicted before the 14th applies. That's why it's a question for the SCOTUS and not random idiots like yourself.
Sorry for being a dick, I'm just tired of this stupid phony talking point.
if it's so "self executing" why does SCOTUS need to hear it? some people are just so blinded by hate they can't comprehend that things in this country are not guilty until proven innocent. but no one will convince you of that.
The SCOTUS needs to make a ruling as to whether or not the "self-executing" part applies not only to former Confederate officers, but also to former presidents who have engaged in conduct like Trump's.
What part about this do you not understand?
Are you stupid or something?
Again, what part about this do you not understand?
I don't know how to make it any more clear to you.
Lol a presidential candidate for one of two major parties I'm the most powerful country in the world threatens to literally be fascist and go after political opponents from day 1 .
Right wing morons:
ReNt FrEe!!11!
literally be fascist and go after political opponents
really? you don't see what's going on from the other side? LITERALLY doing just this? and you think the people the the R next to their names are the fascists? Are you in the market for a bridge perhaps?
Lmao. I bet you don't even know that Colorado Republicans are the ones to push the initiative to get him off the ballot. Or do you watch enough right wing nonsense to think the court cases against the man who openly admits to his crimes are political attacks?
Do tell though - What is the Democrat equivalent of Project 2025? When did the party not only allow the idea of subversion of democracy but have a large chunk of it cheer it on? When were political opponents unjustly targeted? Why did the Republican led Senate committee release an intelligence report saying how corrupt Trump was?
Wow… there are sill people doing the “rEnT fReE” bit?