You're just a kid, how would you know what you want for the rest of your life?
You're just a kid, how would you know what you want for the rest of your life?
You're just a kid, how would you know what you want for the rest of your life?
I'm in my mid-50s. The generation older than me - my aunts and uncles - generally were in school until grade 8 and were out of the house and working by 16. My mother had her older sister as her teacher.
24 is not a child. You can vote drive, drive, drink, marry sign legal documents etc. And at least for women fertility begins to decline at 32. If you mean you will continue to grow as a person and develop new interests that hopefully never goes away. I went to grad school and was in academia for over a decade after my PhD. I have made two major shifts in my career since then. Old people still feel like they are in their twenties or early thirties mentally, we joke about it all the time. So congratulations, this is it.
Yeah, whatever "Dr Bob", do you think you're some kind of doctor or something? Show off...
Yeah. There was a point when I was thinking I'd keep this account professional and share it with my students. Unlike my other social media accounts. lol
Don't do that. Lol. My partner is a professor herself. You don't want to share this stuff with your students. Professional social media is overrated
I didn't in the end. It was mostly because I don't want undocumented interactions. I have a hard enough time getting them to use office hours.
So, you agree with OP? There is not an argument against it here.
at least for women fertility begins to decline at 32.
That's a little bit of a yikes there, buddy.
Edit: and additional "yikes" for all of the people that don't see the problem with assigning a value to women based on how fertile they may or may not be.
Edit 2: tHe QuAnTiTy Of EgGs! Because women only exist to get pregnant.
How can a fact be yikes? It’s only relevant if women want children, but if they do then the earlier the safer it is.
Why is that a yikes? More birth defects, complications, start running low on eggs. All of that is just facts...
They said nothing about the value of a woman being tied to fertility, that came out of mind..
As for the decline in fertility statement, that has been scientifically proven for decades and assumed for centuries. Women are born with a set amount of eggs, they typically go through at least one per ovulation cycle, they start reaching the end in their 30s and risks of birth defects start increasing in their 30s
So biological facts are now cringe?
I believe you are the one who is confused and making unwarranted assumptions here.
The question was about marriage. There are two reasons that I see people get married. For young people it's about starting a family. However you and I feel about it personally, legal structures that are in place just make it easier when you're married. The other reason is for older people. Pensions and estate planning is easier for married couples. Again, I have opinions about it but it remains a plain fact.
I got married to share healthcare and other tax advantages and do not plan to have children. I'm under 30 ¯(ツ)_/¯
I envy you. My partner and I are DINKs. There has never been a tax break aimed at our demographic. lol.
In fairness, when we had our first at 34 she was a year off being medically labelled a "geriatric mother"
You are the only one talking about tying women's worth to anything