What if we added a social component like "Stories" to this calculator app?
What if we added a social component like "Stories" to this calculator app?
What if we added a social component like "Stories" to this calculator app?
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Pulse SMS App for Android recently updated to include:
New “Discover” Section: Find new offers, inspiring content, articles & more
On a messaging app, really??? Who wants any of those features when trying to message someone?
The great thing is that you can simply uninstall it and leave an inspiring review.
wow pulse used to be great. did luke sell? i remember he open sourced it in 2020 but the repo seems to be gone: https://github.com/klinker-apps/pulse-sms-android
edit: huh looks like they got bought in oct. 2020. https://www.androidpolice.com/2020/10/29/it-looks-like-pulse-sms-has-been-bought-by-maple-media-get-ready-for-intrusive-ads/
(there is another repo here https://github.com/jarvanh/pulse-sms-android but i'm not sure how official it is)