As something of a prudent buyer and someone who never preorders anything, I too will be buying premium day one regardless of the state of the app. I can pretty easily defend this decision too; we've had a very long time to get to know the developer. He has proven time and time again that he creates a very high quality and high performance application while respecting and treating his users well. I got way more than my money's worth out of Sync for Reddit and will gladly throw some more money at such a great developer. Not to mention we're not talking massive amounts of money here... haha
Oh the horror, bad American for wanting to support a developer as they launch a new product that is built on the premise of one they used and loved for years.
Instead of supporting a Dev who's proved themselves, we should harbor deep skepticism and try to skate by on a free product for as long as possible because that $5 is really, really, super, duper gonna break the bank if the app isn't absolutely everything I want it to be.