switching to Linux because Windows ui are so boring (KDE is love KDE is life, I want to marry KDE)
switching to Linux because Windows ui are so boring (KDE is love KDE is life, I want to marry KDE)
switching to Linux because Windows ui are so boring (KDE is love KDE is life, I want to marry KDE)
I love and use Linux and while this looks better than the atrocity Microsoft is selling, let’s not fool ourselves. This is still ugly as hell.
That's your preference
What is?
What's ugly and what isn't.
Your mom / my mom
I agree
That's just personal preference tho. I don't personally like it either but that's part of the reason I use GNOME, I think that looks absolutely great. Great thing about Linux is that you don't have to use KDE Plasma or GNOME or whatever other DE, you can choose what you like the most.
No Linux desktop has ever looked „great“. It’s only been a few years since they became somewhat presentable, but we’re not there yet.
Ok and I disagree. Aside from Android, I think GNOME is the best looking OS/desktop in general. Don't act like your opinion is the universal truth.
Oh Like you did just now?
No, I just stated that that's what I think. You're free to think that all Linux desktops look ugly but ir's not a fact.
I guess all my statements are what I think? You're being weird.
My dude... You heard of Unixporn?
I did and it’s stupid
Sounds like a skill issue.
Linux isn’t FIFA
Could you imagine if it was though? Shit would be dope.
Would be banned in Belgium, too…
But yeah I would like Linux Package Managers to work like pack opening in FUT.
No one is forcing you or anyone to use KDE. You don’t like it? Cool, choose one of the other options available.
Thanks for explaining the concept of window managers to me who’s used Linux since decades 🙄
Uhm, okay.