Our new flagship distro: Fedora Asahi Remix - Asahi Linux
Our new flagship distro: Fedora Asahi Remix - Asahi Linux

Our new flagship distro: Fedora Asahi Remix - Asahi Linux

Our new flagship distro: Fedora Asahi Remix - Asahi Linux
Our new flagship distro: Fedora Asahi Remix - Asahi Linux
For comparison I got no such pop up.
Hacker News is basically Reddit if it only had r/technology and no other subs
Slashdot that's not all pre-selected botspam?
Well, that's a rant and a half. I've got a similar setup and don't see the same message, but that's still weird.
The good news is you don't actually have to know about Asahi, they're upsteaming all their work. If it's useful to you, you'll end up using it without even knowing
describing repeated targeted harassment for being transgender as “petty drama” is a bit disingenuous, no?
At some point, if people like you are being pushed away from the project, thats an acceptable price to pay for blocking all the harassment. Asahi has existed since the launch of apple ARM, your attitude stinks and it shows.
Who knows what they are using to make that determination. Obviously you need some tweaking. It sounds like you're reacting somewhat poorly though. Life goes on. There's other ways that you can see the site if you really want to. Think about it from their perspective.
It uses the :visited css psuedotag to display the message based on your browser history.
I got the same popup. Blocks the article, no way to get past it to read it. And no, I don't read Hacker News nor did I follow a link from them. Fuck Asahi. They can pull their heads out of their asses and then maybe I'll regain some interest in their shit... but I doubt it. They've just demonstrated sheer technical incompetence as well as childish pettiness. Definitely not anyone worthy of being relied on.
Asahi: Successfully reverse engineers undocumented silicon and releases first of its kind firmware upstream where possible. You: (of the Asahi devs) “demonstrated sheer technical incompetence.”
Asahi devs: receive abuse, harassment and discrimination from a website, often personally directed at minority team members. Ask the websites mods to do something about it, get ignored. Asahi devs: Block traffic from said website (and some collateral traffic) to do what they can to protect their team from harassment. You: “childish pettiness … not worthy of being relied on”
Maaaateee… you got blocked from looking at a website, it’s at most a mild inconvenience to you. Maybe recalibrate your outrage. I’m sure someone of your technical competence can find a way to circumvent the pop up, if you care even a little.
I already said I didn't care.
Just tried clicking that link, and got a huge pop up refusing me access to the site, and accusing me from being from a site called Hacker News (???).
According to the text in the screenshot you've posted, there is no referrer header, so perhaps you're using some privacy extension that strips referrers.
Looks like uBlock Origin triggers it. That's annoying, but whitelisting the site fixed it.
Yeah, that's not happening. I only whitelist sites I trust, and that little pop-up doesn't engender trust.
Fair enough.
You can also open developer tools and just delete the message elements, but you'd have to still be interested in what they're saying.
It pretty much screams "Don't trust!"
Blocking access from everyone that wants to protect their privacy is not an acceptable policy.
Got the same thing. Whatever they're using to detect the source of incoming clicks, it isn't working. Valid rant against HN or not, IMO that just means they're morons who I wouldn't trust to support a distro.
Edit: It's also happening from their own post on Mastodon lmao. https://mastodon.gamedev.place/@Igigog/110820668174707603
It looks like they're dumping you if you hide the referral link based on the text.
Truly gross practice.
they're using the css :visited attribute on a link to a HN thread to display the message.
having passively followed asahi for some time (too poor to own a mac to actually try it out) the fact that they have to resort to shit like this is gross, but i 100% put the blame on HN for being an unmoderated trashfire (and explicitly bypassing the referrer based blocking asahi first had instead of, idk, actually moderating their site)
Thank you! Like is this kind of corny behavior? Sure, but maybe if HN wasn’t full of shitty people being actively enabled by a lack of moderation they wouldn’t have to try to do shit like this.
Although these styles can change the appearance of colors to the end user, the window.getComputedStyle method will lie and always return the value of the non-:visited color.
OK. I don't really have an issue with that if they genuinely are having problems with the site.
According to the dev on Mastoson, it was DarkReader messing with their color math detection on a HN link's :visited