How to create a bootable Linux USB drive
How to create a bootable Linux USB drive

If you want to install Linux on a desktop, you'll first have to create a bootable USB drive with your distribution of choice.

How to create a bootable Linux USB drive
If you want to install Linux on a desktop, you'll first have to create a bootable USB drive with your distribution of choice.
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Personally I use Ventoy
Basically I can just throw a whole bunch of ISOs on a USB drive and when I boot it it brings me to a menu to pick which one I want to boot
It's freaking great
I've got various windows ISOs and Linux distros just living on a 64GB flash drive
Yeah totally go with Ventoy. I had an external device that basically did the same thing but it was a pain in the ass. Little screen and you pick an iso on the drive and it simulated a CD rom. Ventoy is so much simpler. My only complaint is there isn’t an installer that works on a Mac so I have to use Windows. But other than that it’s awesome.
It must have gotten better than the last time I tried to use Ventoy. Maybe 5 years ago? It kept complaining that the USB drive I was using was bad when it worked completely fine with other tools.
It has gotten a lot better over the years
That was basically my first experience with it as well also about 5 years ago
Nowadays it works like a dream come true for every OS I've thrown on the drive
I tried a couple of months ago on my Windows PC and something went wrong somewhere and my USB was stuck in a permanent read-only state.
I definitely will give it another try though, it's super handy to have.
I'm an idiot and got Ventoy confused with another program I was testing at the time. Please ignore me.
Was it VampBoy? I accidentally ordered one and opened the crate to find a sexy, undead Twink. ☹️ I wanted to nerd-out with Linux!!!
Ventoy is great. It was a bit confusing when I first ran into it. It installed, but I didn't know what happened. Lmao. I think I installed it like 10 times because it wasn't telling me what it did, but then the light bulb went off. Aaaaaah. I was trying to install windows on a laptop and it was being a bitch on the USB stick, and Ventoy made it work.
Best way to have a bootable USB
Huh, never tried it. It has persistent storage? Updates? Security?
I'm currently using MX Linux for my Persistent, Live USB of choice, but apparently I need to check out Ventoy?