iFixit: We’re Ending Our Samsung Collaboration
iFixit: We’re Ending Our Samsung Collaboration

We’re Ending Our Samsung Collaboration | iFixit News

iFixit: We’re Ending Our Samsung Collaboration
We’re Ending Our Samsung Collaboration | iFixit News
You have a typo in your title. Lemmy let's you edit them.
There's some irony for ya. :D
There's one user here who's going to see this and be so disappointed in me lol. Thing is I know but I swipe type and do little proofreading.
Hey, it's me.
No, its you!
It's is!
(Clarification: that was supposed to be "it's us" but I got swiped)
I feel I typo on lemmy more then anywhere else in the internet. I put it down to swipe typing and perhaps the connect app lagging or something.
Almost all my posts and comments have stupid typos in them.
Swype/swipe FTW. Proof reading necessary but not always done!
Even when I proof read, my brain can skip or fill things in as I read making me think everything is fine when it isn't. Totally understandable.
I felt ya. If it isn't misspelling word it's random capitalization in you're post. Gboard used to just work. Now it mostly sucks
(For the record: *feel *words, *your)
Ol' Muphry's Law strikes again
Muphry's law.
You may have coined somethign new here.
Nope. It's been a thing since 1992:
Woops, thanks!
You have a typo in your comment. Lemmy lets you edit them.
If someone else notices before me then it stays.
A person has to have some fucking principles