Return of the king
Return of the king
Found this on my phone while I was cleaning it up
Return of the king
Found this on my phone while I was cleaning it up
I want my blob faces back. Especially blob kiss with heart.
It's called emoji kitchen on Gboard/on Google search as well.
Oh that face. It reminds me of meeting my wife and I became attached to the emoji.
Yeah she used it on me too
Well you can use it now by combining ✨ with any other emoji you want. ✨✨=
Could you link / screenshot which Emoji Kitchen you have? 😭 There are so many and the few I've tried are missing the blobs
Oh interesting, it's not an app/keyboard, but just a Google widget. Thanks!!
Oh it's in Gboard as well!
Oh what the heck, I'm going to have to figure that out hahaha
Figured it out! Setting in Gboard under "Emojis, stickers and gifs" called "Emoji Stickers" Suggest stickers when typing emojis... That needs to be on
I thought I posted instructions here on how to do it. Idk what happened to them
No worries, got there in the end! Now I can spam my SO with turtle stickers
Anyhoo, expect moar Help Turtles ;)