Missouri AG stops release of longest-serving wrongfully convicted woman
Missouri AG stops release of longest-serving wrongfully convicted woman

Missouri AG stops release of longest-serving wrongfully convicted woman

Missouri AG stops release of longest-serving wrongfully convicted woman
Missouri AG stops release of longest-serving wrongfully convicted woman
How does it make sense? She's got 12 years to serve for what happened while serving 43 years for a crime she didn't commit, that means she served 31 extra years already! And that's not even giving her the benefit of the doubt that she could potentially have spent 0 years in prison had she not been incarcerated in the first place meaning that the 12 years aren't her fault but the fault of the system that put her in prison even though she was innocent!
Seriously. She's banked a little time. She should be able to commit a few minor crimes and use her credit.
She should be allowed to commit 1 nonviolent felony and 4 misdemeanors by my math. More if any of them are victimless.
Just a little crime. Ya know, as a treat.
Light felonies
maybe even a little light treason
Not to mention, those extra years were undoubtedly due to the cutthroat environment of landing in prison and having to learn to survive. It’s a goddamn trope in movies/tv. In fucking sitcoms. Prison forces people to become criminals or else be brutalized.
So she was drugged, forced into confessing flimsily, sent to prison as a mentally unwell person, and had to survive. Those violence charges against her should’ve been thrown out immediately after they realized she was never supposed to be there in the first place.
This fuckin system in this fucking country…