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[Plasma] Monochrome

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  • Damn looks great!

    I'm assuming CMUS for music, but what is the picture browser?

    • if you're referring to the thing above CMUS it's not a picture browser, it's Yazi a file manager. It's fast and I love it. I'm gradually teaching myelf to move away from gui's so I can better learn terminal command lines.

      but with Yazi you can use it as a picture browser as not only does it show previews like in the image but you can also increase the size of the preview or fullscreen it. I also use osxiv if I want a picture to open on it's own.

    • The browser is Vivaldi if that is what your are asking.

      • I'm planning on moving away from Vivaldi. The friggin sync feature is absolutely busted as you're constantly having to reset your password cause for whatever reason Vivaldi freaks out and thinks you're using the wrong password and locks you out or it simply just doesn't sync most of the time. you can tell it to remember the device, tell it to remember the password and it says "yeah...maybe." The reason I've stuck with it is cause I like the customization and having everything right there in the browser.

        All that being said if you know of an option that has just as much customization, a better sync, and isn't proprietary I'm completely open to suggestions.

        edit: decided to go with librewolf. I'd like it if I could get the CSS to put the address bar/navigation at the bottom like I had it in Vivaldi but right now I CSS'd it to be as minimal as possible.

        • I tried Vivaldi once but my impression was very bad. As of now I have been using Librewolf for over 2 years, all I need is and address bar, save bookmarks, learn some keybinds to navigate super fast. Mastering the navigation makes all the difference. If you do not want to spend time making a startpage, kids nowadays are using "mtab", its all over reddit's Unixporn.

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