Two XX chromosomes = biological female, XY chromosomes = biological male. If jesus had no father, he couldn't have Y chromosome, so he couldn't be a man, which is conservative argument against trans people.
Cool idea, but probably too smart for people who argue that chromosomes and gender are the same thing. Besides, if you already believe in god and magic, then saying that Y chromosome appeared out of thin air isn't that far off.
Well, we country people have our own homespun wisdom, and I do admit it may be beyond some city-slicking folks' abilities to comprehend. But the fact that Jesus Christ our lord and saviour was transgender is not that complicated. He told us that our faith could move mountains, and sure enough, it was our faith in Him that made Him a man. Just as it is our faith that makes anyone a man, woman, or nonbinary. It ain't no fancy cell culture under a microscope that tells anybody who they really are.
If a man who was born with a hoo-ha decides he's a man, then he is. That's his individual right as an AMERICAN. It ain't the government, it ain't no scientist, and it ain't his parents if they think different neither. It ain't nobody's business prying into someone's personal life to decide who they are. I suggest you have a mosey on over to the sidebar if you want to understand how we do things in these parts.