Erdoğan slaps child for not kissing his hand
Erdoğan slaps child for not kissing his hand

Turkey’s President Erdoğan slapped a child for not kissing his hand, then handed out some money to him.

Erdoğan slaps child for not kissing his hand
Turkey’s President Erdoğan slapped a child for not kissing his hand, then handed out some money to him.
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Sometimes you need to call out media sensationalism. That barely was a slap. It definitely wasn't injurious, powerplay maybe, locally it may even be judged playful.
Western sensitivity doesn't always translate well globally.
Don't touch other people with out consent should be pretty universal I would hope. Especially someone else's kid
‘Western sensitivity’ get fucked mate
It’s honestly so funny how this is old news, settled peer reviewed behavioral research that conclusively states corporeal punishment is shit parenting used by shit parents that results in shit kids
And yet every time it comes up, legions of CHUDs crawl out of the woodwork to debate how it totally worked for them and their kids just fine
My favorite so far is that it's not a shitty person's behavior, it's just their culture*
What was the point of the media event? To show how generous he is? With that slap he showed that (1) it's all for show, because that's all that mattered to him (2) his insecurities about respect are so out of control that he couldn't just explain to the kid what to do, he just instinctively slapped him and (3) that some little kid has more emotional maturity and self restraint in public than a grown adult.
This isn't a big deal because of the child, it's just an embarrassing loss of face in public for someone obviously trying too hard to pretend that he's popular.
Yeah, watching it gives a more accurate impression than just the headline "slapped". Still he is trying to use physical force (however light) to get someone else's child to comply. Also for a politician shows little self control, and gives an indication of his "problem solving"
When insecurity is so deep, a forced, fake display is preferable to the real wonder of a real human, child no less.
Turkish people really like kids.
Not sure how they’ll feel about this though.
I'm from the States and have spent a more than a decade living in other countries, and have had plenty of time to see how people around the world interact with their (and other people's) children. I have to agree with you that this really doesn't seem like a big deal.
It looks really bad from a western perspective, especially for people that have no understanding of other cultures.
Do I agree with it, no. That's just my personal preference though. He didn't backhand, punch, or otherwise harm the child, and the child didn't even seem phased by it.
Had he done this in a country other than Turkey it may be newsworthy, this just seems like rage bait.