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  • For those who have not had the pleasure of watching this yet, I strongly recommend doing so.

    This interview started by going off the rails even by Trump's standards, and just kept getting worse and worse from there. I will give all the credit in the world to the panelists who started with the tough questions right out of the gate -- questions most interviewers absolutely refuse to ask Trump for a variety of reasons. But at the same time, none of them seem to have had the assertiveness needed to keep Trump in check and I wish they would have picked interviewers who weren't going to let Trump walk all over them at various points.

    I'll try to give a synopsis;

    • He went at the interviewer with both barrels for bringing up his long list of previous racist statements and actions, and implied that because he graced them with his presence, they should have the courtesy to only ask him softball questions. It's important to note here that this entire mindset that Trump asserts right out of the gate is that Trump is above them. Trump is better than them, and these (women? Minorities? Black people in general? All of the above?) had better learn their place. This is an attitude Trump doesn't even bother trying to hide, and this demeanor will end up setting the tone for the entire interview. I will try to point out where it is most noticeable, but the overarching attitude is present through the entire interview to varying degrees.

    • He claimed to be "better" for black people than any President since Lincoln, including those who have signed legislation such as the Voting Rights act into law.

    • He claimed that Harris always proclaimed herself as Indian and not Black (she's always promoted herself as both), implying that one person somehow cannot be multiracial.

    • He refused to answer a question about calling Harris a "DEI hire", and demanding that the interviewer define exactly what DEI means. This entire exchange was extremely uncomfortable to watch as the ladies interviewing him just basically sat there and took it. Another example of why we needed interviewers that were more assertive and able to take Trump's attacks than these women were capable of.

    • He said that he only showed up because Harris was going to be there and likened the interview to one of the debates he agreed to, claiming Harris was too scared to show up and using it as justification to skip future debates.

    • He claimed that 17 million + Mexicans are coming across this country to take "black jobs", which he immediately defined as "any job is a black job". Not that this should be a surprise to anybody, but he repeatedly goes back to this drivel at almost every question. Virtually every question was answered the same way: An answer that had little to nothing to do with the question at hand that segues into Trump trying to pit one minority against the other by saying "Mexicans" are taking "black jobs."

    • He went right back to calling her a "failed border czar", even though that was never under her watch in the first place.

    And this literally all happened in the first 5 minutes.

    • He then went on a rehash of his 2015 escalator speech, claiming Mexicans are rapists, criminals, have mental health issues, etc.

    • He literally got a softball question that should have been a layup for any competent politician, and still instead went on the attack claiming that the equipment is bad and he only heard parts of her question -- the parts convenient to him, of course, then went on a rambling word salad that may have had something tangentally related to the question only by virtue of him randomly inserting the words "black people" and "the black community" here and there. This was a prime example of respect being a one-way street in Trump world: This woman was doing his bidding and he still attacked her for a perceived slight.

    • It's important to note that the woman in pink at the far right seems to be more Trump-friendly than the others and was much more willing to defer to Trump than the other two through the course of this interview, possibly because she felt intimidated after being attacked for "equipment problems" she had no control over.

    • He answered a question about single black moms by going on an anti-climate-change rant that had nothing to do with the question and continued to ignore interviewrs' prompts to move on.

    • He pointed out someone in the audience, presumably a black woman, and shouted her out in the bog-standard "See? I have a black friend so I'm not racist!" argument racists like him make all the time.

    • He defended the shooter of Sonya Massey because violent crime in Chicago is bad and the only way to bring that down is to give the police "their respect and dignity back." and suggested that a future Trump administration would step in and interfere on the officer's behalf.

    • He claims to have "won" the criminal cases against him, and made all of the usual false claims regarding that.

    And we're 1/3 of the way through this.

    • When prompted by an interviewer to try to move on and get back on topic, he immediately snapped at her and refused, saying "you held me up for 35 minutes". Like the other examples above, he probably scored some points among his base here because this came off as him "Putting her in her place", so the racists and mysogonists are probably going to eat it up. Very uncomfortable to watch.

    • He started to disavow JD Vance's remarks about childless couples, then went on to defend them by saying "I know great families". He then went back to the "Mexican immigrants are mentally disturbed criminals" screed again.

    • In a rare oddity, he actually defended his pick of JD Vance with an argument that almost sounded coherent and rational. It was still a rambling word salad, but it was a word salad very similar to what every candidate says when they're defending their choice of VP picks. If you watch only this section of the interview, he almost sounds lucid. Almost. At least by Trump standards.

    • He admits that he believes that the VP pick simply doesn't matter in general.

    • In a nice zing, one of the interviewers said "JD vance has said things......about divorced people, like yourself" in a way that you could see completely threw Trump off guard. This was a chef's kiss moment.

    • He went on his usual falsehoods about Democrats demanding abortions during the last days of pregnancy and murdering babies after they're born. The interviewers tried to fact-check him but he talked right over them. At one point, he accused the governor of Virginia of I guess attending a birth (why would the governor be there, of all people? Does he personally welcome every newborn Virginian into the world?), and then "setting the baby aside and deciding what to do with it later", and then having the baby killed. Needless to say, this never, ever, ever happened and Trump really should be sued for slander over such an outrageous claim. Not that I should have to say this, but killing a baby post-birth is called murder, and it's illegal and always has been.

    • He answered the question of whether or not he'd step down himself if he had a health issue, and responded to that by simply attacking one of the other interviewers (not even the one who asked the question) personally on something completely unrelated just because he felt like it. Then he went back to how the border is bad and everything is bad and it's all Harris' fault.

    • He claimed Harris -- a former prosecutor in California -- didn't pass the bar.

    • He likened the January 6 rioters to some vandals who spraypainted a monument, and seemed to forget the fact that spray paint can be (a) easily removed, and/or (b) painted over.

    • Zing #2: Trump: "If they were innocent, I'd pardon them." Interviewer "They were all convicted, sir."

    • He claims that "nobody died on January 6th", and that it was the police who were "ushering them in".

    • In a very interesting closing note, one of the interviewers started asking him about Project 2025 when she was cut off by another interviewer who said "we have to leave it there, per the Trump team.". And while there is the possibility that they were just running short on time, there was a strong implication just by her tone of voice that the Trump team demanded that they avoid the questions about Project 2025 entirely. The interviewer who cut in seemed to be very, very apprehensive about even discussing the topic at all.

    And that's how the interview ended. By Trump saying that Mexicans are taking black people's jobs and an interviewer almost shit her pants over the idea of confronting Trump on Project 2025, which just reinforced my wish that they'd have had some interviewers who were more assertive.

    With that said, I cannot see how Trump could have possibly gained a single black voter for this interview. It would have been like Hitler campaigning for Jewish support by saying he's offering Jews free housing with some of the best heating systems in the world. I hate jumping on the bandwagon of "If you vote for <person>, you ain't <race>", but I just can't see how any rational minority voter -- not just black people, but any minority -- could sit and watch that interview and say "Yep, that's the guy for me!"

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