Bitcoin is Stupid and Does Not Deserve an Emoji (blog post)
Bitcoin is Stupid and Does Not Deserve an Emoji (blog post)
35 crypto companies got together to make a change dot org petition called "Bitcoin Deserves an Emoji".
F that
Bitcoin is Stupid and Does Not Deserve an Emoji (blog post)
35 crypto companies got together to make a change dot org petition called "Bitcoin Deserves an Emoji".
F that
That's not at all addressing a single thing over what goes on in Monero. You either get it or you don't and you just don't. Go read more, yacky.
If you've got some articles handy, feel free to link them. My searches aren't finding anything about Monero's "triple encryption".
Nothing on that site mentions "triple encryption". Can you clarify what you meant by that?
No. Educate yourself on how Monero works. All I'm saying is that it's the safest. You want to understand complicated shit then go figure it out. I ain't here to teach how shit works when the Moneropedia does it all already.
The short is that there are three factors. Each of which are separately encrypted and handle separate parts of the Monero. You have to crack all three to know about any particular exchange. They're not on top of each other they way you infer.
Thanks, could have just clarified that from the beginning.
It's not my fault you used a well-known cryptography term incorrectly.
Keep trying. Technically i am correct. Just in a totally different sense of such.
Whatever makes you feel better man
Like downvotes you throw around like you actually someone of any meaning.
I'm not down voting you dude. Not that down votes matter