type the distro you use and is and let your keyboard finish it
type the distro you use and is and let your keyboard finish it
linux mint is the best way to get the latest version of the most important thing
type the distro you use and is and let your keyboard finish it
linux mint is the best way to get the latest version of the most important thing
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Gentoo is a very good alternative to the hacker community and the community is a very good alternative to the community itself and the people that make it work well and are willing to do it well in their communities to be the most successful.
Yeah, the Gentoo community are just so much more chilled than the hacker community.
i think my auto gen for my keyboard is not very good because i have all telemetry disabled, text to speech disabled, learning typos disabled and use futo keyboard. I originally i used KryptEY because of hidden encryption in normal sms. but nobody i knew ever used it :( and i missed auto gen. cool project tho https://github.com/amnesica/KryptEY
i also realize this very much feels like average gentoo user meme :P