Selling drugs can and should in some cases be illegal though
This still doesn't help. If you make weed illegal to sell but legal to consume, soon you'll have poor people selling weed and rich folks buying. Guess who ends up in jail though?
I think government should sell all kinds of drug, even hard drugs to addicts. In that process identify these hard drug addicts and help them transition to a life without these drugs through rehabilitation. This will also help pull away the drug money from gangs.
I agree. Keeping the sale illegal perpetuates the terribleness of drug gang. But it’s a popular take because it removes state responsibility for regulating recreational use and abuse.
Also, however, it is possible to find new ways. For example in a Denmark sex work is legal, but profiting off of sex work is not. Which on the surface makes no sense (a sex worker cannot rent a hotel room for example). As a result women run old fashioned brothels that are employee owned coops.
A partial legalisation could breed some similar non capitalist innovations.
This an opinion that is largely becoming edge-of-accepted though out the west. It’s a valid political stance and it’s the law in some countries already.