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  • Perhaps a dilution of Theragen and Scotch could help you calm and re-center.

    • @ummthatguy I also wish I could. Been on the wagon for a long time. One becomes ten, and -- like ADHD -- it's not necessarily a matter of willpower. Drinking is a destructive variable for me, and I can't have that in my life.

      But thank you, I do appreciate the suggestion. It likely wouldn't hurt if my brain were wired a little differently. I'm sure there's a Kelly in a parallel universe who is able to take your advice and is enjoying a nice Glenfiddich on the rocks.

      • Good on you for recognizing that about yourself and your needs. My good friend with ADHD had to learn the hard way with a few DUI's. They're just over a year sober now and holding together better.

    • Oh, how I wish.

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