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Trump Plots Massive Shake-Up of Justice Department


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  • Well, you could be sane and be worried about this sort of thing, or you could be OP who has repeatedly said they don’t care what happens if Trump is elected.

    • You do realise this is an anti-Trump article, right?

      • Nothing likely a timely response 🤣

        And yes, your point is? It’s well known how uncaring you are about Trump winning and the lack of empathy you show to anyone else who is concerned. After all this time of “Don’t talk to me about the articles I share because I often share about things I don’t care about” - are we now to believe there is an agenda to your posts? If so, why don’t you illuminate us all?

        • I’ve posted articles that are critical of Trump, Stein, and Harris, as well as articles praising each of them.

          So, if you’re assuming I agree with every viewpoint in the articles I post, how does that even work when I share so many conflicting perspectives?!

          I also created and mod a political news community where people have posted articles praising Harris, criticizing Trump, and trashing me—yet I still leave those up.

          I could have removed them. Seems like a lot of conflicting viewpoints for you to imply I have some agenda.

          I don't have to "illuminate" you on anthing at all. You're mad because I'm not voting for Harris and I don't care if Trump wins or not. That makes you so mad in fact, that nothing I say or do will ever change your mind that I have some vast agenda.

          Bruh, and the end of they day, I don't like Harris. And I'm not afraid of Trump. Accept it. There is no "gotcha" moment here. I have said that since day one. And I'll say it after the election. Which by the way Harris is gonna win, so even more double shits I don't give about Trump.

          So I don't even know why you're so bothered in the first place! lmao

          Or not, but don't try to play it all up like I have some agenda. Feel free to ignore my posts or block me if I annoy you that much. :)

          Oh and bold again so you can do your duty to warn other people about my big bad agenda. Save yourself some time and just link to this comment: I DON'T CARE IF TRUMP WINS. I'M NOT AFRAID OF TRUMP.

          • Go back and read what I wrote again. I never even talked about any purported reason for you sharing it. I simply pointed out that what the article presented is indeed something that sane people would worry about and compared it to your well known penchant for saying you have no concerns with Trump getting elected.

            Between your misguided reply to a three day old comment where I clearly did read and understand the article, and your copypasta wall of text that talked about a dozen different things but didn’t address the point I raised, I honestly can’t tell how much of your schtick is sealioning and how much is just incredibly poor reading comprehension.

            You’re the one that brought up possible motivations, not me. My original comment was simply agreeing that any sane person would find the situation described in the article worrying and how you famously don’t share that worry. So if you don’t think Trump is anything to worry about, why did you find the article worth sharing? Or was it that you were desperate to post anything that wasn’t downvoted into oblivion?

            I don’t think you’re a Russian operative (they’re honestly much better at this than you are, but it’s true that their standards are slipping). I just think you have the worst case of main character syndrome I’ve ever seen and you love the attention that comes with intentionally playing the heel. And that’s because you never attempt to discuss a single issue with any forthrightness or honesty. If you weren’t just playing a character, you’d actually try and make a case for your beliefs. Instead you spend your time reinforcing your self-induced martyrdom and engaging in bad faith with everyone that bothers to respond to you. You profess to wonder why people react the way they do to your posts and comments and yet you keep engaging in the kind of behavior that demands such a response. Your comments especially bring no value to the community and the majority of your many, many posts are transparent attempts to support an agenda with just enough other stuff to offer (im)plausible deniability. Whether that agenda is even for real or just because you enjoy being a perpetually online edgelord is unknowable to anyone but you - but from the outside it’s certainly unflattering either way.

            • and how you famously don’t share that worry.

              Correct. I don't. :)

              I don’t think you’re a Russian operative (they’re honestly much better at this than you are, but it’s true that their standards are slipping).

              Yay! Finally someone understands!

              transparent attempts to support an agenda

              What agenda do you think I have?

              And if my "main character" syndrome bothers you, feel free to not respond to me or my posts. You can always ignore me or block me if you want. That way you don't have to read my replies. I mean, everyone responding to me and egging me on, just adds to that "main character" syndrome, right? So hey, no comments, no drama. Because the majority of my comments are in reply to someone.

              Thank you! :)

              • Wait, you didn’t reply and you edited your comment to add the “e” to the end of “syndrom” but you’re still spelling it “charactor”?!

                Bwahahahahahaha! Oh, that’s just precious. 🤣

                • Meh on my phone on a break. I'll get to it when I get to it. lol But hey, look on the bright side, it proves I'm not a robot! :)

                  • Maybe that’s a sign to focus on quality and not quantity? I mean there’s low-effort and then there’s low-effort with typos.

                    • So you got all that from a typo because I was on my phone during a break at work?! Ok...

                      But nah, I'll keep voting for who I find interesting and matches my values and keep voting any article I find interesting, even if you don't approve. Thank you!

                      • Right - because your flood of low quality posts and comments weren’t a tip off already.

                        And are you “posting what you find interesting” or “voting what you find interesting.” What an odd turn of phrase. Hmm, must be another break on your phone, huh? Or are you having a stroke?

              • "main charactor" syndrom

                If you’re going to quote what I said, could you at least spell it correctly? I thought you’d be well experienced copying and pasting by now?

    • I'm not voting for Trump. Thank you!

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