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Open source devs: please, please add screenshots...

I beg you, if you are a developer of an open source app or program - add screenshots of your app to the README file. When looking for the perfect app, I had to install dozens of them just to see what the user interface looked like and whether it suits me. This will allow users to decide if the app they choose will suit them... Please, don't think about it, just do it....

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  • I perfectly debunked your argument and my statement made perfect sense. It wasn't just "No you!". What a complete and utter projection. Cope harder. Maybe you're the word parsing bot, When one makes a claim like that (Im a bot) when nothing indicated such things, its accepted in the community of behavioral analysis that it was a projection

    • I'm kinda done with you, child. But let's do this:

      its accepted in the community of behavioral analysis that it was a projection

      Yeah. You said that. Three times.

      What you've failed to notice is that you keep calling me, and OP, hypocrites with no supporting evidence. I provided an example of your hypocrisy and explained why it was hypocritical. You didn't. So if anyone is making repeated unsubstantiated accusations, it's you.

      So, by your own argument the only one projecting here is you.

      I perfectly debunked your argument and my statement made perfect sensse.

      No, you didn't. You posted a link to the definition of the word, and then said "oh, you totally did both those things" (I'm paraphrasing here.). You didn't point out where I or OP said anything that remotely met the definition you posted. So, to use your own dipshitty quote:

      When one makes a claim like that when nothing indicated such things, its accepted in the community of behavioral analysis that it was a projection.

      You've repeatedly made the claim that OP and I are hypocrites. Nothing indicates that we are. So, you must be projecting, according to behavioral analysis.

      Wait - are you not convinced just because I repeated myself? Welcome yo my world, kid. That's all you've done this whole thread.

      Oh, and you made an ad hominim attack against me questioning my personal grooming routine. So, there's that too. Since you have zero information about my grooming routine, then, because…

      When one makes a claim like that when nothing indicated such things, its accepted in the community of behavioral analysis that it was a projection.

      … I have to conclude that you are projecting, and could probably use a bath. And maybe some time away from the internet, out from under your bridge.

      Oh! I almost forgot! You insulted my grasp of English with poor English. So, yeah. If you're gonna call someone's grasp of a language into question as a pathetic attempt at looking smart, here are two good rules:

      1. Don't. You don't know if English is their first language, and even if it is, you just end up looking like an asshole
      2. If you absolutely insist on doing it, proofread your fucking post.

      Ta. It's been fun.