I'd like to think they're all just Russian trolls but increasingly, I think some people are just selfish or dumb.
I'd like to think they're all just Russian trolls but increasingly, I think some people are just selfish or dumb.
I'd like to think they're all just Russian trolls but increasingly, I think some people are just selfish or dumb.
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Trump is Netanyahu's favorite candidate. The disrespect to Biden/Blinken ceasefire/restraint timidness is done to make Dems look bad. Blinken is a worthless POS who may not have any serious intent to stop genocide. Both Harris and Bernie, by repeating Israel's right to defend itself, are essentially ok with all Israeli evil, and the unlimited unconditional free weapon support, despite some occasional reserved statements to the contrary. Trump will just use unconditional support for a war on Iran as a means to ethnically cleanse Muslims from the USA.
The "everyone is a Russian Troll" is worse than dead internet theory. Trump is more progressive on not diminishing Russia through Ukraine proxy war. Whether or not he is paid by Russia, ordinary Americans who think diminishing Russia enriches them are victims of disinformation and emotional media manipulation that makes them think support for diminishing Russia/Putin means they care more about Russian prosperity than Russian leadership, and keeping Ukraine nazified on a path to NATO is somehow "liberal". US empire has never before reached this level of evil and recklessness. The popular normalization of this evil is a certain contributor to US decline and imminent collapse.
Actual Russian operatives from foreign ministry would see Iran as an ally, though the massive forced Russian military production increase from Ukraine proxy war on it, means massive opportunity to assist Iran in a conflict if Ukraine gets resolved. It also means ultra high oil prices/profits. A war on Iran would still be US empire emboldened. All elected political leaders in November will take loyalty oaths to Israel, and there is no indication that Harris would stop such a war, or not involve US troops. It is just more certain that Trump would.
Lol, "keeping Ukraine nazified"
How much of this was a copypasta from something vaguely related?
It's very scattershot.
A likely end to the war will be Russia keeps the liberated territory, and Ukraine agrees to stay neutral. Ukraine and US will claim victory by not denazifying its rulership. (the only other Russian condition for war starting and continuing)
So, are you paid by the post or the word?
Not to give y'all tips but who in their right mind believes this nazified leadership bullshit?
For a one day old account, it’s very . . . directed.
Ukraine has a lower percentage of Nazis than most countries, including russia, which has one of the higher percentages
I really don’t think so.
History of Fascism in Ukraine: Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV
Cool. Now do Russia.
Unlike Ukraine, Russia doesn’t have an ~80 year long unbroken chain of Nazism. Fascist factions do exist, but they’re nothing like the scale in western Ukraine.
It’s funny how you Russian apologists have all these handy little chronologically sequenced copy-pasta lists of everyone else’s shortcomings, yet when your feet are held to the fire to explain the bullshit Russia does, you have nothing but excuses.
It’s nearly as predictable as a Moscow window “suicide”.
If you want to call a few fascist gusanos in exile from the Warsaw Pact for 70 years an “unbroken chain,” I can’t stop you.
You won't be able to stop Putin from sending you to the front line when he runs low on soldiers🤣
I made a comment comparing the number of Nazis in Ukraine to other countries and you responded with a bunch of articles about Ukraine. Where are the comparisons that demonstrate I'm wrong?
Literal Nazis (rabid anti communist as populism) ruling Ukraine/a nation is the difference with ultra conservative racists that beat up minorities outside of a bar. Apart from the absurd "Zelensky or Trump's daughter is jewish" and is incapable of having nazi allies or overlords, or "in a multi party election the official nazi party only got 2% of vote (low percentage just means voters strategically picked a candidate that had better chance of winning)" doesn't change the US handpicked rulers/cabinet and other elected politicians passing the above linked nazi/apartheid laws in Ukraine.
You made made no actual comparisons, you simply stated it to be so. I can’t say that I have a handy chart of fascists-per-capita per country. But I do know that up until early 2022, Western corporate media wasn’t shy about how large and serious the fascist problem was in Ukraine in particular. And then they magically vanished, because it all suddenly became a very inconvenient truth.
This is a copypasta, right? I could swear I've seen the exact sentence "Trump is more progressive on not diminishing Russia through Ukraine proxy war" before. And also, please, you have to be joking right now.
Trump is more progressive on not diminishing Russia through Ukraine proxy war
I'm unaware of having used the exact sentence before. The complete absolute madness of wanting a war on Russia or anyone else is what requires propaganda of constant demonization, and the absolute non factual replies "reality is Russian propaganda" shutdown replies that somehow seem convicing in the minds making them. The US empire is pure evil and 100% responsible for Ukraine war. That Trump might launch wars other than Iran is 50/50. Maybe a hotel deal or two will cause peace with China. Biden/Blinken were absolutely terrible on China. "Delete America" is their forced reaction.
Idk fam, maybe Putin has nonzero responsibility here and could simply have not invaded Ukraine in a war of Russian territorial expansion
That Russia, a fascist state, is invading Ukraine in order to denazify it rather than to outright annex it in whole or in part is fucking delusional. You and I operate within entirely different realities and we have nothing further to discuss.
The primary purpose is to ensure neutrality/no nato membership. Ukraine can probably negotiate peace on just those terms and claim victory for remaining nazified.