Trump wins.
Trump wins.

Donald Trump has 267 of the 270 electoral votes needed to win the White House and is leading in key races left to be called, including Michigan and Wisconsin.

Trump wins.
Donald Trump has 267 of the 270 electoral votes needed to win the White House and is leading in key races left to be called, including Michigan and Wisconsin.
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I don't wanna hear any more moralizing and complaining from young leftists who can't even be bothered to perform their civic duty and vote. Shut the fuck up. What happens to Gaza in 2025 is on you, not Harris or the Democrats. And when you bitch about the genocide, remember that you facilitated it. You gave up your duty and gave Netanyahu exactly what he wanted, a clear path.
To be fair those missing nearly 20 million voters who didn't show up weren't all or even mostly leftist and progressives. They're your bog standard Democrats and independents that fucked everyone over.
Yeah but they're not here arguing with us.
I voted so I'm sure you won't mind hearing from this leftist. The problem isn't people who didn't vote. The problem is how the Democrats ran their campaign. They continue to punch left to try to appeal to moderate right-wingers who will never vote for them!
Instead, they should have punched right and tried to appeal to their base on the left. Even the "scary far left people" like me.
How to do that? They should have come out against the genocide in Israel instead of sicking the police on the fucking protesters.
But sure blame random individuals and what they chose to do. That sure sounds like The first step in fixing a large structural problem. /s
Not that it matters anyway, we won't be voting again not for real anyway.
Data is harmful and wrong. Russian bots use numbers in their programming!
So you think a left leaning voter would vote for the Republican because the Democrat shifted to the right? That makes absolutely zero sense. The Republican would still be more to the right.
No, I'm not saying that.
I'm seeing a lot of left-wing. People will not turn out to vote if they don't like the candidate. What really determines elections in the US or what did was election turn out. If turnout is high times when if turnout is low Republicans win. Turn out as low when Democratic candidate sucks and tries to appeal to right-wingers. Like we saw this election.
They are saying that Dems licked R boots and they lost a percent of their vote as a result. They kept trying to cater to the moderate republican when they should have catered to the nonvoting leftist.
I literally argued with Dems on Lemmy about how everyone needs to vote and we need to be advocating for greater voting access. I was called stupid for this, because obviously nonvoters will never vote and they must cater to the moderate Republicans who already vote because they know they will be there. I was told obviously Dems shouldn't care about making sure everyone has the right to vote and voting access.
It's legitimately bizarre to hear people say these talking points as if they help the Dems. They just advocate for fascism (taking away the right to vote) and get fascism (Trump). Well, duh.
I even quoted civil rights speeches amd Lyndon B Johnson to show them how this rhetoric is divisive. We are just at borderline civil war tensions and everyone is doing badly at being a whole community.
You've learned nothing. If you can't win against a convicted felon and rapist with a national party infrastructure and billions in the bank you are a completely useless party.
Enjoy being relegated to the dust bin of history with the Wigs now that it's clear to even laymen that the king has no clothes.
Yeah it fucking is; they ran a fucking campaign that ignored the anti-genocide movement and instead decided they would win by campaigning with God damn Liz FUCKING Cheney and Laura FUCKING Bush instead of God damn Palestinian Americans and the anti-war movement. They wanted to win by going to the center, and they once again fucking LOST doing it, and it's somehow the God damn left's fault? Maybe, when your candidate loses with a strategy that the left tells you is a bad fucking idea, it's time for you to shut the fuck up, not them.
they ran a fucking campaign that ignored the anti-genocide movement
They didn't! They sent the cops to beat the shit out of them and called us antisemites.
Like if the dems stopped the genocide, every person who was activated enough to risk their safety and future protesting would be doing everything in their power to stop Trump from resuming it.
Police were no less brutal in dem-run cities. But on colleges, they were acting on behalf of the democrats, here's Biden calling college protesters violent, intimidating antisemites whom the right of free speech does not apply..
Warm regards to those communities and users commenting the "both bad" mantra for months. Going to be a whole lot of surprised pikachus today
Oh yeah, but no surprised Pikachu face when the Democrats use the exact same strategy that cost them the election in 2016 and lose doing it in 2024, right? That was really good and smart, huh?
This, Harris wouldn't even lie about helping poor and marginalized people for fear of alienating that oh so coveted moderate Republican demographic.
moderate Republican demographic.
Yeah.... that was.... an odd choice they keep making.
You are 100% right here. Courting R was possibly the worst thing they could have done. I refuse to believe that the outcome would have been worse had they instead embraced progressive domestic policies AND ALSO taken a tougher stance on Israels Gaza genocide.
I'm not even engaging with the Genocide-Joe commenters on this particular issue anymore, they think they changed something for the better today but god knows what. I felt and continue to feel that they threw out the baby with the bathwater. I don't think the Gaza issue did this though. I think it was the immediate rebranding as Republican-lite that Kamala tried, beginning roughly 30 seconds after she announced her candidacy. It earned her nothing with the R vote, and alienated Democrats at multiple points on the spectrum.
And Democrat leadership can go fuck themselves for never having the courage to move left and stand by it.
Listen, the dems have to seig heil in all their ads to entice white moderate centrist suburban women in 2028.
Now shut up and vote for 99% hitler, do you want Trump to win his third term?
How much closer did you get to progressivism this election?
Zero, and that's why the dems lost. Progressive policy is popular, republican policy from 2016 is not.
The dems are fucked until they do the things that get their base energized and going to the polls instead of triangulating themselves 2 inches to the left of the republican candidate to try to get the 2-5% of republicans who prefer diet-fascism to fascism.
How many progressive candidates gained seats in this election?
Seats were lost because the presidential election is what brings people out to vote. ~15% of the electorate stayed home because they saw a choice between the 2016 republican and a dem with the 2016 republican platform. The down-ballot races suffered as well as a result.
I've heard that progressive policies are quite popular and get people to the polls.
Yes, it's a shame the democrats ran on building a wall to keep immigrants out and tax cuts for small businesses.
Tbf I'd argue that the candidate switcheroo wasn't exactly part of the 2016 playbook
Funny how you never blame moderate republicans who refused to switch their vote.
Maybe you should appeal to someone else next time?
Blaming the left for the party going right, alienating the BIPOC and queers voters she swore to protect as she made friends with the people who want to harm BIPOC and queers.
Yeah it's our fault we weren't too confident in someone who uses minorities as useful idiot pawns for a game of Chess she doesn't wanna win.
What if he ushers in world peace? Will that be on them or on Trump or will that be because of you and whatever DNC stooge is being anointed next?
Did you just invent a nonvoter leftist population in your head?
Lol, sure buddy. The twenty million leftists in America
Even if that was true:
Guess you should have appealed to them instead of the fucking Republicans then.
Maybe google "2020 election count" and get back.
Regardless, me? Wtf do I have to do with anything, I wasn't running. Hell, I'm not even registered Democrat.
So it's the leftists fault for not voting hard enough between two pro-genocide candidates. What were we supposed to do to vote against the genocide, vote third party?
Again with this both sides are the same crap? See, you're idiots. And all the blood of Gaza is on people like you
No, the blood is on liberals who allow the Democrats to support a genocide and get away with it without losing their votes to an anti-genocide candidate. Also on the Democrats for making their platform regressive and boring in favor of their donors so people lose interest in them and they lose.
You'll never wash it away.
Keep coping, liberal.
At the end of the day, we both know reality has proven the leftists were correct the entire time, and that you were wrong.
And no amount of your little tantrums and hysterics will change that. Always the left’s fault that the DNC decided to usher in fascism instead of letting go of their stupid neoliberal brain rot huh?
History will remember you as Nazis.
It will stay with you forever, and you're smart enough to know it.