Your specific hobbies. You might jump between them, but they're different for you than anyone else.
A lot of these are issues you gotta work with to live well. The solutions to these issues, whatever combo that lets you live your life, that's unique to you.
I dunno that's all I got. It doesn't feel like enough, personally, but it is better than nothing.
No. If you think you're "just a product of (y)our brain chemistry", you're selling yourself short. There's a "you" in that meat-sac, so keep throwing levers and pushing buttons. You fly the ship. 🤌🏼
Nuh-uh. I'm just a character an ape made up while it was pretending to be a person. You can be a transcendent being and mecha pilot your body around if you like. You can construct your sense of self however you like. That was my point. Our buddy upthread could be the very embodiment of the DSM criteria for ADHD, and that would still be a valid way to be a person.