I am dealing with a mystery illness which has made it so that I cannot eat solid food. I've had it for well over a year now. The current theory is that it is ARFID, an eating disorder that has nothing to do with body image like most eating disorders.
Because I never feel hunger or thirst, I have had reminders on my phone to have nutrition (Ensure and soup mostly) and drink water.
The doctor that I am working with thinks that randomizing my feeding routines rather than having them at the same time every day, which I was doing, will be therapeutic. I'm also supposed to do a sort of wellness check and log when I feel hungry three times a day. The answer is always either 'not hungry at all' or, if I'm really stressed, 'the concept of hunger is repulsive to me.' I don't want to say this isn't working yet though. It's only been a few weeks.