This hits me deep. I will often walk into a bathroom and walk right out if I see too many people. I'll either find a quieter bathroom or just hold it because it's physically impossible for me to pee if I can sense anybody within close proximity. Sadly, that applies to stalls too.
Something I've been doing as a kid is just counting slowly. I don't know if it's distracting to be thinking of counting or what but usually by the time I get to like 8-10 I'll start going. That and no one wants to stand next to someone just randomly counting. Lol I don't really do it out loud, I do count in my head and it seems to work.
Kind of a double edge though because if I get to 20 I start thinking like the comic lol
Lol when holding it is not an option, I'll try singing the ABCs in my head and similarly when I get to Z and have to repeat it is when I start to panic.