I pinned an array of colored hearts in the pattern of the Agender flag, annotated to the Agender wiki page on Miraheze. Since I wanted to have a way to fetch it quickly when I want to use it. 🖤🩶🤍💚🤍🩶🖤
I bet you didn't know there were grey hearts, I didn't know that until recently.
Awesome, what I would also do is to annotate them like this: [💛🤍💜🖤](https://nonbinary.wiki/wiki/Nonbinary) [💜🤍💚](https://nonbinary.wiki/wiki/Genderqueer)
(I used NonBinary wiki for these pages but you could use any of the Wikis).
That way people can hover over them to see the link to the page describing what they are and visit it to learn more.