Nickelback, Chris Brown, and other stars scored $200 million in taxpayer funds meant to keep arts groups afloat during the pandemic. They won't say what they did with the money.
PPP loans must be one of the largest transfers of wealth over a short period of time in history. So much of our money funneled into the already rich and corporations. And in classic American fashion those "loans" will be forgiven.
To be clear, the thing being talked about in the article was not a ppp loan, but a grant. There is no indication anyone, intended recipient or not, is supposed to pay this one back
Grants have rules, and it looks like these rich fucks (who never needed any of that money) just pocketed it. People are fucking losing their homes and are starving and these goddamned talentless conservative grifters are profiting from the misery.
But student loan debt is shackled to you for life with little relief. When we fought for it we were told to fuck off by republicans. Cool. So PPP loans for millionaires are a-okay. But not the average citizen; who pays the taxes in the first place btw. Cool. Cool cool cool.