Could be worse. You could be an American where you spend an exorbitant I amount of money on private insurance AND you spend even more money on out-of-pocket costs that insurance won't cover AND it takes months to get an appointment with a doctor.
That doesnt mean Canada doesnt have a healthcare system, lol. Just because your experience in one part of the country has been bad doesnt mean all of Canada is without healthcare.
Kind of a typical western Canadian perspective. Thinking your province represents the entire country.
Similar to the other person that replied to you, I have no idea what you're talking about. Some provinces have relatively crappy healthcare (looking at you, Alberta), but these outcomes are directly cause by conservative Premiers cutting funding to the system and policies that restrict immigrant doctors from being licensed with the schooling, experience, and licensing that was received in their country of origin.
Despite all of this, I don't wait grossly long in the emergency room if I have to go, I'm able to get a doctor for prescriptions, and I have clinics I can go to if I need non-critical care. All of it free (excluding medication, dental and some other critical items)
We do have free health care, it works. It's underfunded and understaffed as a result of Conservatives trying to destroy the public services, which gets people expressing dissatisfaction with the service, which allows them to further stripmine the system by funneling public funds to private clinics and the like to 'improve things' when really they should be properly funding our public system and paying more people good wages to work there