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Comments not showing when logged in

Ok, this is a weird problem I’ve had happened twice now. I make a post (one was to a kbin magazine, one to a lemmy community), and I’ll get notifications that there are comments. But when I go to the post to look at them, it will say “5 comments” but show none of them and say there are no comments. But, if I log out, I can see the comments. If I log back in, they’re gone. I’ve tried in different browsers (Safari and Firefox) and had the same issue.

If it was once, I’d think it was a fluke, but it’s twice now, and on different federated sites.


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  • Check out to see if it's similar to what other people have posted about recently: tl;dr blocking domains appears to filter out posts / comments even when those domains are not involved in the post. I'll repost what I put in one of the threads:

    If posts are disappearing when you're logged in but not when logged out, it should be something like that: either a language filter, federation turned off, or a blocked community you might not expect filtering it out. You can double check by unblocking domains/magazines to see if any of them return comments, though that might be troublesome with many blocked.

    • Where can I check to see what communities I have blocked? I’ve got a handful at most blocked, but I don’t remember what they are.

      My language filtering is set to use English and Japanese, and federation is on. This post is set for English, so it should come through, but I’m having the issue on this post (I had to cludge it to be able to both see your comment and reply - copy the link to a browser I wasn’t logged into, click on reply from there, then log in).

        • That got it! Looks like it was the exploding-heads domain, which was actually the only one I had blocked.

          That is a truly bizarre issue. Hopefully they can get it fixed.

          • Not sure if it is a coincidence, but that is the same domain I had blocked as well - unblocking fixed the issue for me too.

          • And for reference, the issue happened to me twice when posting to this specific magazine, and once when posting to a community on Lemmy. I’ve posted to that community a lot, but it only happened when I was posting an image, not a link - all my link posts have been completely fine. And here, I was making a new thread, not posting links. So links are ok, but posting threads/images (the image was uploaded to kbin) might be part of the issue?

            • Do you mind linking me the image thread if you can find it?

                • And here is the other post to this magazine where I had the same thing happen. You can see me post in the comments about not seeing anything, as well. I figured it was just a fluke that time.


                  • One more question if you wouldn't mind, do you happen to remember if you got an error while posting this thread? Understandable if you don't; one of the newer kbinmeta posts mentioned getting an error while posting and their thread doesn't have a domain, but a different thread they posted afterwards does have a domain, so I'm trying to see if there's a link between getting an error when posting and a post not having a domain

                    • Also, I wonder if the null domain thing is causing another issue I just had pop up?

                      I tried to post from kbin to a lemmy server, and got an error message. The odd thing is, the post shows up on kbin when I go to the community page, but it does not show up on lemmy. I took a screen cap of the error when I had it happen twice. For both, it was a new thread, so no link, so there’s no domain.

                      Here’s the post on kbin:

                      But if you browse the community on Lemmy, it’s not there:

                      Posts with links have gone through just fine, but the null-domain one did not.

                      • Believe you're correct. I think cooperaj mentioned it in the issue but they experienced the same thing, when you get the error it does not appear to federate.

                        It being interacted with, such a upvoting or boosting might make it federate after that. (I think this might actually be linked to but am holding off without more proof.) Of course, it being interacted with to get it to federate is difficult on where anyone who blocks any domains won't even see it in the first place :(

                    • There was an error message, yes. I can’t remember if I got it on the image post, but I did get one when posting this one.

                      • But! I did get an error posting an image when I saw this post having the issue I was talking about - I posted the screenshot from my iPad as a new image post, and it gave me the same error message. I remember because I went to check to see if it had actually posted after seeing it by going to my profile. I saw the post there, but didn’t see it on the magazine page, and then deleted the post since it was having the same problem so would have been pointless.

                • Thanks; it at least appears to match the pattern I've just updated the issue with, which is posts with no domain shown in parentheses next to the title get filtered out by any domain block at all, regardless of what it is. I assumed you could only achieve this with text posts but it's good to know it's possible with image posts as well

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