How many Adblocking/Privacy extensions are too much?
So as the title mentions, I'm wondering how much is too much?
I am currently using Brave with the setting to:
Aggressively block trackers & ads
Only connect with HTTPS
Block fingerprinting
Block cross-site cookies
In addition to that, I have installed the following extensions:
uBlock Origin
DuckDuckGo Privacy Essentials
So my question is: Is this overkill? If so, what should/could be removed that may be redundant? I want as much coverage as possible, but not have things bloated.
It depends on what browser and what extensions. Previously addon could be fingerprinted by detecting what web resourves they used (i think just chromium). On firefox extensions can get detected by sensing certain telltale changes they provide. eg. Inserting js in dom or blocking of ad/tracking domains. Even if the extension itself isnt identified, unique settings and multiple content blockers will make kinds of fingerprinting possible.