Time to stir the pot
Time to stir the pot
Time to stir the pot
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Oh hey, I just listened to a thing about this!
Yes we already know morning people are brain damaged
especially because they view getting up early as some sort of badge of honor, while everyone who dares to follow their own natural circadian rhythm is some lazy good-for-nothing. You're not special for sleeping during a a different time of the day, get over yourself.
They really are just sooooo full of themselves, some of them. Not all of course, but especially when you get them in a work environment they act like their way is the only way. Which is especially funny since that damages the learning ability of kids. 9-5 tends to force 730-2, give or take, school schedules, and children are especially susceptible to harm from waking up that early. To this day the earliest I have ever woken up consistently was grade school. And I was always tardy..and even then they would give out like dumb prizes and shit for people who showed up "on time" consistently.
My gripe is that night owls are supposed to be quiet so we don’t disturb the morning larks’ slumber, but larks can be as loud as they want in the morning cuz they gotta wake themselves up, and they got places to be, and also fuck you for being so selfish sleeping in past 7:00.