Best profile picture rule
Best profile picture rule
Best profile picture rule
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Kinda based ngl
Based will come when corporate finally pulls their heads out of their arses and accepts that to hire good IT people need to to go to the cat girls.
They know, they just don't want other companies to know. They might steal the cat girls
"OK, here's my elevator pitch. You know Operation Paperclip, after World War 2 where us and the Russians grabbed all the German rocket scientists we could? Well this is Operation Catgirl, and it's the future, and the US and EU have collapsed, and Russia and China are going through this post-apocalyptic wasteland trying to grab all the furries they can. It's like Mad Max meets Oppenheimer meets fandom. Whatdayasay?"
I'd watch that!
Great but who will star?
Hmmm... I'm thinking Jack Black as a Russian officer and Simu Liu as Chinese officer... I dunno about the furries and catgirls...
So you're saying we all should be wearing cat ears in our Linkedin pictures to have better chances to be hired?
I know better than to tell any kind of cat what to do.
Stage 3 of the Signaling Cycle already?
Once Upon a Time, This Tech Company Actively Recruited Furries (
Months earlier, recruiter Cindy Lee Smith noticed a trend in the resumes coming across her desk at Taos. Why were many job candidates listing “anthropomorphism” under their hobbies?
As Christine Hyung-Oak Lee tells it—recalling her time as a junior recruiter under Smith—hitting upon the tech-talent goldmine of furrydom was something like an epiphany. “I remember her running out of her office into my cubicle, and she said, ‘Christine, we gotta get on these furries.’”
And this was way back in 1996.